Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kindergarden this Fall!

I can't believe he's starting school next fall! I'm so proud of you Boogie! Your going to be the nicest, funniest, smartest kid in school! I know you will be a star!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

finally got to be spiderman for halloween! And I got my 'upside-down kiss' :)

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

So, for the last 4 days, Tristan has been at home "taking care of Sissy" for me. He has a couple behavior issues each day, but I think it's just because he's getting used to having someone else taking care of him. Grandma Laura tells me what he's having difficulties with, but also boasts about his good behavior, too. So, I praise him for being a good boy, and talk to him calmly about whatever it is that he is doing that is disrupting the harmony. He understands most of what I'm refurring to, since his memory of his actions is short term, but at night, I'm trying to get him to tell me about his day. A lot of it is jibberish, but I DO understand a good deal of it. He's making me so proud!

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